1. Car Chase
2. Nut Case
3. We Don't Love Em'
4. The Weekend
5. Cock Your Glock
6. Based On A True Story
7. Where Was You At
8. Not To Be Fucked Wit
9. The Family
Album wydany w 1994 roku w Sneak Pit Records. Jak dla mnie jest to najlepszy album jaki się ukazał z Bay Area - jest to jedyny album jaki nagrali, a do grupy należało trzech raperów (Nutt So i Len z Oakland oraz Doe z San Francisco - należy też dodać, że grupa się rozpadła). Album uznany przez wielu za klasyka, utrzymany w całości w ulicznym klimacie (słuchanie tej płytki może wprowdzić w niesamowity nastrój) - jest to płyta z tych, które można słuchać na okrągło i nigdy się nie znudzą. Na dzień dzisiejszy płyta jest prawie niemożliwa do znalezienia (jeżeli ktoś ma ten album to raczej nie będzie go chciał sprzedać), a co do cen - to jest on wart każdych pieniędzy (a szczerze mówiąc nie mam pojęcia ile może teraz kosztować, ale będzie drogi). Reasumując płyta z tych, które po prosu trzeba mieć, więc jeśli gdzieś go wypatrzycie to kupujcie (powodzenia)!!! Na koniec dodam, że nie ukazała się nigdy re-edycja (piszę o tym, bo jakiś koleżka chciał mi kiedyś wcisnąć "po okazyjnej cenie" niby re-edycję, ale na cd-r). Oryginalne wydanie ma przednią okładkę rozkładaną na 3 części, a na ring kodzie musi być: ASR#12320-1 (CD-SPR-0001-2/RYTHUM) *A01
Album was released in '94 by Sneak Pit Records. For me this is the best rap album from Bay Area - this is the only one album which they recorded (members are: Nutt So and Len from Oakland and Doe from Frisco - this group came apart). Album was allowed by many people for a huge classic which whole is kept in strictly street style (g-funk influences) - this shit is one of this which can listen over and over and never we be bored. Nowadays album is almost impossiblle to find (if somebody has got it they would never sell it) and price can be... worth every money (I really don't know how much it can cost today but it's very expensive shit). In conclusion - this cd you must have in your collection so if you find it anywhere just buy it (good luck)!!! Never came out any re-edition (write about this because a long time ago some guy give me a "good price" for re-edition on CD-R - every copy (if egsists) on CD-R are fake). Og press has got front cover splay out on three part and ring cod must have: ASR#12320-1 (CD-SPR-0001-2/RYTHUM) *A01
Album was released in '94 by Sneak Pit Records. For me this is the best rap album from Bay Area - this is the only one album which they recorded (members are: Nutt So and Len from Oakland and Doe from Frisco - this group came apart). Album was allowed by many people for a huge classic which whole is kept in strictly street style (g-funk influences) - this shit is one of this which can listen over and over and never we be bored. Nowadays album is almost impossiblle to find (if somebody has got it they would never sell it) and price can be... worth every money (I really don't know how much it can cost today but it's very expensive shit). In conclusion - this cd you must have in your collection so if you find it anywhere just buy it (good luck)!!! Never came out any re-edition (write about this because a long time ago some guy give me a "good price" for re-edition on CD-R - every copy (if egsists) on CD-R are fake). Og press has got front cover splay out on three part and ring cod must have: ASR#12320-1 (CD-SPR-0001-2/RYTHUM) *A01